Best Opportunity
We believe that right now is the best opportunity we'll ever have.
If anything in this world can ever overcome the global technocratic tyranny before the return of Christ, it will be the fact that whole nation states abide by true Christian principles of life, liberty and prosperity on a civilizational level. And we plan to help make that happen through entrepreneurs networking to promote the great commission and the cause of liberty. Join the mission at Legacy Business Network.
Hello, it’s Alvin Curren with Legacy Business Network and I would like to ask how you feel about networking as a business growth strategy?
Did you know that networking and the mastermind principle are what many wealthy people in the world attribute to their success? Robert Kiyosaki, the author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad said, “The richest people in the world look for and build networks; everyone else looks for work.” And in one of the most popular success books ever written, “Think and Grow Rich”, Napoleon Hill's research found that the mastermind principle was one of the most important problem solving strategies used by the most wealthy men in the world.

I want to be as concise and to the point as possible about the reason I reached out to you, because this isn't going to be for everyone.
Our vision is for patriot entrepreneurs of faith to help transform individual lives and even whole nations through networking.
See Matthew 28:18-20 and 2 Timothy 2:22
This is for a higher purpose. So, what we're doing is more of a mission than a business. But, it also has incentives for networkers to be financially rewarded for their work to help it grow exponentially.
We believe that the Cause of Liberty and the Great Commission are needed now more than ever because of the problems we face.
Here are some of our concerns.

Are you familiar with the "Great Reset" as proposed by the World Economic Forum, or Agenda 2030 as outlined by the United Nations, and what the true ramifications of these programs are?
We believe that if those programs go as planned that most of us will lose every vestige of individual liberty. Those include our personal autonomy, medical freedom, religious rights, right to own property, right to travel, financial freedom and even our very lives.

While there are some good efforts to expose the evil agenda, there is little effort being made to consolidate any real opposition.
There's also a terrible lack of understanding about the principles of liberty and prosperity that formed the bedrock foundations of America.
So, we figure that as long as the Lord tarries it’s our duty to use our gifts, talents and resources to challenge the technocratic tyranny by creating new opportunities and alternative systems. And after a lot of prayer, study and meditation we have a very specific vision, mission and purpose.
Because of being a part of the entrepreneurial community that has the power of influence, we simply put two and two together.
Hence the Vision: Imagine a referral network of patriots who promote the cause of liberty by using the biblical pattern of discipleship.
Let me share some of the benefits of a community like this.
It will be helpful and supportive for the business someone is already doing. It's a win-win all the way!
Rather than being competitive, it's something that will be complimentary.
A business platform with multiple incentives makes the simple act of networking profitable.
It makes it much easier to find the kind of people we would rather work with.
There are literally millions of marginalized business people all over the world who would love to be a part of this kind of community. They are just waiting to be invited.
Month after month networkers encounter hundreds of people who don't want what they're offering. So, why not offer them something that they do want and will benefit everyone? Why not invite every networker of faith that you know to take advantage of this opportunity? After all, this is what the world needs.
Besides the potential to use the network for existing business growth, there are several opportunities for perpetual streams of residual income.
One of the most exciting benefits of all is that it doesn't even matter if someone doesn't have an established business. It doesn't even matter if they don't have a product or service to offer. If they simply have the right attitude and mindset they can use this program all by itself. It has everything to create a great remote freedom lifestyle business.
On a scale of 1 to 10, what do you think your success potential is using networking as a business growth strategy?
We have an easy quiz that is designed to assess someone's potential for success.
And, as an extra incentive to try the short quiz, we want to give you our mini-course about the Seven Most Essential Elements for Entrepreneur Success.
So, if that sounds like a good idea, go ahead and click the button to take the quiz.
After taking the quiz you’ll find out what your potential for success is and you’ll get several incentive gifts to help raise your potential.
P.S. I hope it doesn't take a lot of convincing to make you see that networking and the mastermind principle are super powerful leveraging opportunities. So, for the sake of all that is good in this world, let's all utilize them as soon and as effectively as possible. We look forward to seeing you in our private community.
Thanks for your attention.
With love,
Alvin and Rosa Curren

Alvin and Rosa Curren