Unfortunately, all the tools and information in the world is rarely enough. 99.9% of entrepreneurs fail to make significant progress, even after years of self effort. One of the most essential elements missing is a supporting network.
That's why we're making this premium support group offer.
Super Connector Mastermind
Get All Future Upgrades to Legacy Business Network &
Never pay monthly again.
Your investment today will allow private access to our exclusive private networking mastermind group. (See Details Below) 30 Day Trial.
Networking Super Connector Mastermind Group Offer
Enroll into this secret networking program to get insider only group support to most effectively network online and learn to model the top performing professionals. Work with other members as accountability partners as you learn to become a networking super connector. And get ready for what's coming.
Private Invitation:
Networking Super Connector Mastermind
We are now forming groups of God fearing entrepreneurs that will commit to helping each other in business, life, and legacy. Principles of liberty, prosperity and related current events will be put up for discussion. We will also be brainstorming business success strategies, networking for referrals and social selling. Our goal is to help each other in building a legacy through a purpose centered mission, fulfilling our higher calling and living out Christian discipleship principles in our business relationships.
Short Story About How This Idea Got Started:
About ten years ago, I went through a self realization. It was brought on by a near fatal heart attack and not even a month later losing everything I owned in a wildfire. Afterwards, I followed my dream to travel the world and discovered that after six straight months of country hopping it felt like a vain pursuit. I had a lack of purpose and a feeling of worthlessness. What I realized is that many other successful entrepreneurs have similar experiences. I’ve found that we need to have a higher purpose in order to have a sense of fulfillment. That is why I'm now developing a program to help others get direction and clarity about our life’s purpose, business, fellowship, and building a lasting legacy. I believe those are the things that many successful entrepreneurs are missing.
Discussion Topic - Lifestyle Goals:
- Buy land to build a self sustained homestead
- Travel several times per year, road trips, cruises, flights, etc...
- Do what we've been called to do
- Support the people and causes we believe in
- Live our lives the way God designed us
- Lifestyle of purpose, prosperity and freedom
Discussion Topic - Business Goals:
- $100k M.R.R. one year challenge
- Discover opportunities for referral partnerships
- Accountability and mastermind groups
- Building dedicated business referral networks
- Educate people on the principles of liberty
- Support patriot businesses, leaders and organizations
Discussion Topic - Simple Processes to Increase Prospects:
Network, communicate and follow up with several people per day in order to qualify them to join one of our programs or until they disqualify themselves. Blueprint, Standard Operating Procedures and Daily Method of Operation included.
Mastermind Brainstorming Help Sessions:
7 Essential Elements for a Legacy Business of Prosperity and Freedom
- 1) Productive Mindset
- 2) Real Faith
- 3) Good Health
- 4) Supporting Network
- 5) Compelling Message
- 6) Viable Processes
- 7) Consistent Implementation
Each member will have an opportunity to get in the Success Accelerator Seat while the other members collaborate to help solve any issues or challenges you might be facing. Once per week there will be new members who get the help of others in the mastermind group.
Secret Mastermind Group Community:
We offer a private community for your mastermind group to communicate, collaborate, network and get personal support throughout the week. This community is only available on a conservative Christian friendly platform. That way we know we are supporting a fellow patriot believer and we won't get banned for our content.
This is a kind of parallel society. It will be the seed to growing new and life affirming cultural structures that help people side step the current one.
Rev. Charles Finney said,
Mastermind Questions:
Take a few minutes to answer a few questions to see if it's the right time to step into your mission and purpose in life as Legacy Business Mastermind Partner.
What good would you like to be remembered for?
What is your divine mission?
How are you bearing fruits of righteousness?
What higher purpose are you fulfilling right now?
How are you using money as a tool for good or evil?
How important do you think it is to know yourself before trying to build a legacy?
When, if ever, is it too late for someone to fulfill their mission in life?
Why don't most people find their divine calling in life?
Potential Partner Alignment:
What next?
In order to answer that question, we have to find out where we are on our journey, and know where we want to go. Most people don't have a clue about either one.
We help people find their higher purpose and catch their dream to influence the world for good. It works by identifying their gifts, talents, callings, and then developing a process to bring those out in a practical, useful way so they too can transform the lives of others. Then, people can begin to bear fruits of righteousness and fulfill the mission they were meant to live in the world.
This program brings together life transformation and business development into one complete package.
Our mission is to help people discover their higher purpose and develop a business model that can share it with the world in a prolific and viable way.
Legacy Business Mastermind is an accelerated group accountability program for people who need intensive structure and clarity about their path in business and life.
When money is no longer the primary motivation in life, but you're not exactly sure what your ultimate goals should be, we facilitate your journey of discovery and execution to help create a legacy through business and a life worthy of lasting admiration.
Do you ever feel frustrated, stuck and unsatisfied in a situation that isn't conducive to freedom, happiness and prosperity?
Do you often get distracted by new ideas, strategies, and offers?
Then this might be the right program for you…
If you would like to go further and faster, we offer personal accountability, life transformation and goal setting program in a group format.
This is one way you can build a legacy, create generational wealth, and influence the world for good through your own higher calling.
Financial “success” is not enough. - Success < Fulfillment
Fulfillment and alignment is the sweet spot of life and this should be the real pursuit.
If you're a successful professional or entrepreneur but you find life feels empty, unsatisfying, or without true purpose sometimes, this program is designed for you. It will facilitate the discovery and implementation of a system to put you in sync with your mission, gifts, talents and tribe. Join us for a more fulfilling lifestyle business with hope, direction, and a life that leads to a lasting legacy. This is true connection with a higher purpose.
We help you go from languishing in the gray zone to flourishing in the new light of your true calling. Go from emptiness to fulfillment, from a money focused “job”, to a mission focused lifestyle. Transform your life from feeling powerless to leading a life well lived through the combined strength of close knit mastermind partners.
We’ll help you discover the key factors that are missing and integrate those into a purposeful journey of excellence. When all the right conditions are in place, it's possible to enter into a sustained period of flow state where all the attributes of a life well lived become realized almost immediately without the failure of inconsistency.
Warning, this mastermind program is developed from a biblical, spirit lead, Christian perspective. Therefore, if anyone is offended by biblical and scriptural themes, they should pass this up. It is also in alignment with the original principles of liberty as formulated by the patriot founders of America. And we soundly reject the modern schemes to move us toward a centralized global technocracy by the corporate elite. We will also be asking some hard questions about things like, how to avoid being destroyed by those same nefarious actors, etc...
Integrated Themes for Discussion and Brainstorming:
- Person - Spirit, Soul, Body, Identity, Gifts, and Talents
- Purpose – Cause, Mission, Passion, Calling, Legacy
- Productivity – Time, Systems, Skills, M.O., S.O.P.s
- Prosperity - Market, Tribe, Service, Career, Vocation
- Structure = Legacy Business Mastermind Groups
This program is by personal invitation only. If it sounds like something beneficial to you at this stage of life and business, or if you have any questions, pop back to the person that invited you here after you pay and we’ll get you started.
If you know others who could benefit from this kind of program, we pay out 80% referral commissions. Be sure to sign up as an affiliate partner to get your tracking link to share with others.
Alvin Curren and my lovely wife, Rosa
It is believed that Napoleon Hill was the first person to develop the mastermind principle after researching the secrets of the most successful business people in the world of his time. From his book, The Laws of Success, he speaks about the Mastermind Principle. See what he had to say.
Russell Brunson, one of the most recognized names in online marketing, shares his insights about the whys and hows of an effective mastermind.
"...Great explanation of what a mastermind group is for, and how to create a successful one. Also, an excellent example of a mastermind group that is on target, giving members the vital fuel to further their project and/or business."
See Below...
Jack Canfield, author of Chicken Soup For The Soul also tells about how he got started by using a mastermind to launch his book and program. Listen to his sound reasoning for the power of a mastermind.
Now, let's see what we can build together...
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Here's the deal. Sign up today for this crazy beta test launch special offer, then, go get your affiliate link. Start promoting while you're still in the beta test phase. Attend our bi-weekly mastermind and invite 10 other wise men of faith to come join us using your affiliate link. If they join, we are paying out 100% on the first payment, 50% on the monthly and 80% commissions on the annual.
Continue to do that on a monthly basis and you can't lose.
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Here's the deal. Sign up today for this crazy beta test launch special offer, then, go get your affiliate link. Start promoting while you're still in the beta test phase. Attend our bi-weekly mastermind and invite other wise men of faith to come join us. If they join, we are paying out 100% on the first payment, 50% on the monthly and 80% commissions on the annual.
Payment processors and affiliate platform take out about 8%.