Networking Works

Do you know how networking works?

Well, It’s really a pretty simple concept. If someone I know asks me for a recommendation from my connections, and I know you’re good at what you do, I give them your contact info as a referral.

I don’t think I need to convince you that word-of-mouth referrals are the best kind of leads there are. Great, right?

But, how do you actively increase those kinds of referrals? There’s never been a way to scale those kinds of leads. I mean, how do you get people to send you more referrals on a daily basis?

Build your own private network of loyal referral partners

So, here’s my idea. If you want to proactively increase your referrals, offer special incentives to get related industry professionals to recommend you to their clients using automated rewards programs.

And if you wanted to really take it to the next level, you could run active campaigns to build your own private network of loyal referral partners.

I mean, what if you had your own army of dedicated referral partners that already have your customers as their clientele?

Do you think that would be an advantage?

Well I thought so…

That’s why I decided to perfect a system that would automatically recruit and reward my ideal prospective partners just for networking with me.

Okay, I can’t say that I have it perfected yet, but I have started beta testing it with good results.

Would you like to see how it works?

This is basically it, in a nutshell…

1. Conversation starter promotional campaigns

It starts with both paid and free conversation starter promotional campaigns. For example, word of mouth, social media messages, paid social media ads, paid search ads, press releases, optimized videos, and promoted blog content is used to share helpful industry related ideas.

Then, we share a super attractive incentive to join a private social group online. It follows all the basic rules and etiquette of virtually any social setting. The primary rule being, give first.

But, you have to target your ideal networking partners with extreme precision.

That means you profile specific kinds of people that serve your same clientele, and they meet certain high standards of qualification, but, they are not your direct competition.

Okay, now that you know who you want, let’s go to the next step.

2. Make viral, social sharing contests

Now, we present them with a viral, social sharing contest to easily win an incredible incentive for simply sharing the contest with more of your ideal referral partners.

The viral sharing contest prizes introduces them to the kinds of products or services that you offer. But, then the grand prize is something super attractive that anyone would be happy to share with their friends, family, and social network connections. That’s what will give a campaign the viral, social sharing effect.

Okay, I think you get the gist of it. Pretty simple, right?

Now, how would you like to see the viral, social sharing contest in action? Hold on, and I’ll share how to see a live contest at the end of the presentation. But, first, let me explain a few details about the contest. One, the prizes should be from your own resources, and related to your business and services.

For example, since I’ve been ranked as in the top 1% of Linkedin’s social selling index, and I’m a freelance business promoter, my prizes are from my best services.

But, then, the grand prize is an all fees paid luxury resort vacation voucher that the winner can use anytime in the next 18 months, and they can choose from over a dozen locations worldwide. I mean, almost anyone would like to have that, right?

And, as a side note, I want you to know that we have the resources to give away unlimited luxury vacations. And access to those resources are inside my free, private networking groups on Facebook and Linkedin.

3. Highlight Your Products and Services!

So, let me ask you a quick question.

Could you share a simple presentation like this?

But, instead of my products and service, your products and services would be highlighted in the section that talks about the prizes and your expertise.

Now, let me ask you another question.

Who would make an ideal business referral partner for you? Think about other business owners, agents or reps that are not your direct competition, but, they share your same clientele.

Those are the kinds of people that you would target in viral, social sharing contest campaigns.

So, do you think that you could take the info that I’ve shared, thus far, and run successful promotions?

You might be thinking, that’s a lot of information. And, that it might be hard to set up…

So, what I want to do for you, is give you a blueprint for this whole process. I want to share a PDF cheat sheet with all the steps and resources, including my resource for giving away unlimited luxury vacation incentives, in two short pages, and a walk-through video, just in case you happen to be more of a visual learner. 

The guide and video are inside our private Facebook group. You can find them under the menu tab called, Units, on the top left of your PC browser window. Those Units are a section in certain kinds of group pages in Facebook that are set up for training. There are also other resources that I’ll let you discover on your own. But, I think that should be enough of an enticement to join a free group.

But, I need to give you a heads-up. Our group is for freedom loving entrepreneurs. That means we believe in, and support, the principles of liberty, in particular, free market enterprise. So, if you believe in socialism, or some other economic or political system, our private group wouldn’t be a good fit for you.

So, if you’re all good with that, you’re welcome to join.


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